Holistic Management Overview:
What it is, how it can benefit you, your organisation and the communities you serve; why it is key to achieving social, economic and environmental health.
This is the program that enables implementation of Holistic Land & Livestock Management within the communities that organizations serve. This is a 12-day in-depth program for community facilitators. It empowers organizations to best serve their communities, with support from ACHM staff who can provide program monitoring for the organization and mentoring support to the trained facilitators.
Community Facilitators Training Programme (12 day)
Scheduled date: 02 Mar 2025 (arrive pm) to 14 Mar 2025 (depart pm)
Cost: US$2268.00 per/person (Inclusive of food, board and training for 12 days)
What it is, how it can benefit you, your organisation and the communities you serve; why it is key to achieving social, economic and environmental health.
Viewing the land a whole new way; land regeneration principles and evidence of successful restoration.
We visit and engage with a community that are managing their land and livestock holistically.
Organizing the community for action; exploring the is-sues and setting priorities.
The use, strengths and challenges of experiential learning.
Planning together with communities; acting together and building capacity for implementing Holis-tic Management planning, implementa-tion and monitoring procedures.
Mapping grazing “paddocks” and water points, planning social infrastructure (committees, agreements) and physical infrastructure (predator-proof kraals, water storage and delivery for large herds) .
Getting livestock to the right place at the right time and with the right behavior.
Current herding practices and their effect on the health of land, livestock and people, combining livestock
Low stress animal handling, disease prevention and treat-ment plan.
Learning to read the land for signs that its health is improving or diminishing; monitoring land restoration success with communities.
Field preparation using the overnight kraal, plant-ing ,harvesting and using the animals to lay down crop residue.
Field preparation using the overnight kraal, plant-ing ,harvesting and using the animals to lay down crop residue.
What is core, what can be modified? Common challenges, common solutions.
ACHM also provides follow-up support as graduates implement the programme in communities. Our facilitators have years of experience in implementing programmes themselves and can help build the confidence of graduates as they coach them through challenges they are likely to experience, making sure they learn from them. Additional fees apply.