The Month in Photographs, January 2022
Firstly, we would like to wish everybody a very prosperous 2022. Lets get traveling again. We are very happy to see the rear end of 2021, we are really hoping that travel opens up again and we can hopefully start hosting a wider regenerative community at the center.
This is the first post of 12 you can expect in the coming year. It’s simply a visual story of what’s been happening on the ranch this past month, January 2022. This month in mostly of the ranch landscapes showing off the wonderful rains we have had from about Christmas to now. If you have visited us in the past, a few locations will rekindle memories I am sure. If you have not, it is time to come.
Key things that have been happening this month, is that we really needed to re-thatch our dining room. The rains found there way to the dining room floor. We have also been working hard to get the crop field back up to where the barriers that are in place to protect the crops are working effectively. The test will come just before we harvest. We have also placed 10 beehive catch boxes throughout the ranch, the one at Elephant pools probably has the best view on the ranch.
The Dimbangombe herd are in great health with the flush of green grass throughout the ranch. With the growing season our kraal moves have become regular. It great to see the life that follows the herd, particularly the dung beetles. With a little observation and from with in the right paddock, you can find the herd by observing the general direction the majority of beetles are flying.
Please enjoy this month in photographs.
Regards, Etienne